
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

BSM Governing Body Members

Bulwell St Mary’s Governing Body Members

As a church school we work closely with the Diocese of Southwell and the membership of our Governing Body clearly reflects this. To become a member of the Governing Body, each individual must meet certain criteria and each year we complete a range of compliance documentation, including declaring any interests we may have, any close relationships with others across the Trust, any other roles whereby there may be a direct or indirect connection, and any third party transactions.

All of which are declared on a register on interests which can be viewed in the document below:-

Membership of Governing Body ( as at June 2024)


Our Ofsted report in March 2019 stated;

"The governing body provides effective support to the school. Governors are ambitious for the school. They have a good understanding of what the school does well and what it needs to do to be even better. They make regular visits to check on the school’s work towards meeting its priorities and they understand the importance of holding leaders to account".




Karen Slack - Chair of Governors, (please telephone Ruth Palmer, Clerk to Governors at Transform Trust on 0115 9825090).

I have been in the education sector for over 40 years and retired from my head teacher post at Rise Park Primary and Nursery School in August 2016. Since retiring I have been self -employed working part time as a school improvement adviser for Transform Trust. I am delighted to be the Chair of Governors here at Bulwell St Mary’s as I am passionate about children’s education and how we can all work together in the best interests of each and every child. I am often out and about in school looking at children’s books and I always attend parents evenings. I look forward to catching up with you.


Maureen Pates - Vice Chair of Governors - At present I am Vice-Chair of the Governors and have been a Governor at St.Marys School for 14 years. I am the Governor responsible for pupils with special education needs and disabilities and often come into school to meet with the SENDCo.  I live in Bulwell and am a regular member of the congregation of St.Marys church. I enjoy coming into school to see the wonderful things the children and staff are achieving. I also come in to hear children read once a week. 


Emma Bell - Staff Governor - I have worked at St Mary’s since 2000.  I am passionate about the education the children that attend this school receive.  I believe that each child deserves access to opportunities and experiences that will allow them to reach their full potential.


Reverend Bob Stephens - Diocese Governor - I am Revd. Bob Stephens, I am a Foundation Governor for Bulwell St Mary’s C of E Primary School and the Governor with responsibility for Attendance, Admissions, Finance. I work closely with Father Andrew Fisher. I have been a governor since 2016, and I come into school on a regular basis to listen to children reading and take assemblies.  


Father Andrew Fisher - Diocese Governor - I am Fr Andrew Fisher, Vicar of St Mary the Virgin and All Souls, Church, Bulwell (‘The Church on the Hill’). I am a Foundation Governor for Bulwell St Mary’s CofE Primary School and the Governor with responsibility for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (including Christian Distinctiveness). I love coming to St Mary’s School and I love St Mary’s School coming to church!’


David Maddison - Diocesan Governor

Throughout my life I have maintained an involvement in and a commitment to Community, Education and Church.  I grew up in Bulwell, originally attending Springfield Nursery and Primary School and have always maintained my home and heart here. I have sustained a commitment to community, originally founding the Highbury Vale Community Association, now based on Brooklyn Road. I am also a leader within Bulwell United Reformed Church on Broomhill Road and am involved with Table Tennis England’s schools’ work on a national and local level.  Alongside this for 40 years I was a teacher in both City and County and a Church School Headteacher for 23 years.  I also led schools out of times of difficulty and helped create  the ASPIRE Primary Multi-Academy Trust. My continuing commitment to helping schools, pupils and staff become the best they can be is underlined by the fact I am now an Educational Consultant providing this level of leadership support and in-service training for free.      


Natalia Thomas - Parent Governor

I am a parent Governor.  I currently have 2 children who attend St Mary’s and love that it is a school with staff that genuinely care and are passionate about the well-being and achievement of all the children.  I have worked in education supporting children with school attendance for 19 years and currently work supporting vulnerable students, parents and carers in a primary school.  I am really looking forward to being more involved as a parent Governor. 


Rachel Hannon - Trust Governor


Julia Burge - Headteacher

As Headteacher of the school, I am passionate about all children receiving a great education and being supported during their school life.  The work we do with our children about our Christian Values and our Take Care Ethos is so important not just to school but for their life beyond Bulwell St Mary's.


Colin Eley - Parent Governor



Clerk to the Governing Body


Ruth Palmer ( )


Our term of office is for 3 years and this starts from the date of appointment. Our agendas follow the format of:

  • Full Governing Body meetings


In all of the above meetings we consider the following:

  • Strategic Governance

  • Financial Governance

  • Stakeholders to include staff, parents/carers and the community and pupils.

  • Statutory Duties
