
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

School Values

We are very proud to be a Take Care School. Our ethos aims to provide profound personal development for all children through providing an exemplary education founded on our school values.

Our Take Care ethos focusses on four key areas -

Take Care of ourselves

Take Care of each other

Take Care of our work 

Take Care of our school and world


These Take Care principles are our cornerstone by which all of our values are lived out at school.

Here at Bulwell St Mary's we follow a set of 6 core values.

These values underpin our school life at BSM and are followed by our whole school community (children, staff, parents and governors).


Each week, we have a celebration assembly linked to our school values, during which we celebrate the achievements of our pupils and how they are living out these values.


Our School Values are:







