
Important Notice

Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

Headteacher's Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome, our school website will demonstrate many of the activities we have taking place here at Bulwell St Mary’s as well as communicating ideas and information to support you.

Learn More
  • F1 Donaldson 90.8%
  • F2 Moore 90.9%
  • 1 Attenborough 93.6%
  • 2 Peake 93.4%
Whole School 0
  • 3 Parkes 94.0%
  • 4 Kanneh-Mason 92.3%
  • 5 Turing 95.1%
  • 6 Thunberg 92.8%

4 6 1 8 1 Visitor