
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

YR1 - Dapo Adeola

Welcome to Year 1


"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

Ephesians 4:32


We are a friendly bunch of eager learners.  We work hard and support one another on our learning journey.  We are learning that it is ok to make mistakes and that it is important to give things your best shot and have a go.

Phonics is really important to us as we develop our reading and writing skills and we enjoy daily phonics sessions to support us read and write in all areas of the curriculum.


Our class is named after the author and illustrator - Dapo Adeola. We love his books and will be reading lots of them during our time in Year 1.



This half term our concept is ‘Belonging’ and within this we are thinking about “Where do I feel at home?” We are learning about feelings and who helps us manage these.  We’re thinking about where the United Kingdom is and what countries and seas it is made up of.   We will be investigating a famous person from our local area, developing our sketching skills as we create images of ourselves and learn all about the human body and our senses.  We will observe the seasons as they change and find out about how to keep our class pet happy and safe.

We love listening to stories and retelling them and this half term we are focussing on developing our range of vocabulary to use in our conversations and writing.



Here’s some ways you could have fun learning at home:

Phonics games:

Share stories at home every night – choose a chapter book and read it together. 

Listen to stories read by other members of your family.

Go on an Autumn walk and spot signs of Autumn.

As the nights draw in, play board games together!


Keep up to date with all our latest news and day to day life through Class Dojo!


Mrs Bell and Miss King


