
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

F1 - Eric Carle


Welcome to F1!


"Let all that you do be done in love."

1 Conrinthians 16:14


In F1, we are active, creative, critical thinkers who learn through playing and exploring. We like to have hands on learning experiences which usually end up in us getting messy!

We aim to provide children with a safe, secure and nurturing environment where they are happy and enjoy themselves.


Our class is named after the author and illustrator Eric Carle.

Each half term, our learning will be focussed around whole school concepts and Christian Values.

We believe in the importance of fostering positive relationships with parents and carers and the Class Dojo app plays a big part in us having good communication with each other. Please use our class Dojo page to keep updated about F1 and our adventures!

The EYFS team
