Welcome to Year 4!
Our class is named after the author Michael Morpurgo.
It is expected that each week your child should:
- Read at home at least 4 times a week – please remember to sign your child’s reading diary and ensure that the reading book and diary are brought back into school. We love to give out Dojos and reward children who read!
- Times Tables practice on TTRS (see useful links)– children will be offered challenges on TTRS – can they beat their teachers’ scores and help their class to win battles against other classes?
- Spelling practice, with a test in school on Friday.
- Creative homework will be sent out half termly it is linked to our topic- these are lovely activities which you can all get involved with at home and create some wonderful things as a family!
Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday. Children can come into school wearing their PE kits.
Class Dojo:
We do update class Dojo frequently and it is a great way of communicating. Please keep checking for messages on there. If you have any concerns or worries please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I am here to support you all as well as your children!
We are very excited to see what this year holds and even more excited to be working with each and every one of your children!
Miss Payne.