
Bulwell St Mary's Primary and Nursery SchoolWhere Your Journey Begins

YR5 - Rhinos

Welcome to the 5 Rhinos class page!

Hello from us!


Our class name this year is the Rhinos, after the magnificent, endangered beasts from Africa and Asia.

In upper Key Stage 2, we have very high expectations of behaviour so that we can set a fabulous example to the younger children in the school. We follow our three school rules - Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Be Ready. As a team we want to work with you and your children so that they are happy, healthy and achieving their full potential!


What’s expected of you guys at home…

It is evidently proven that the best way for children to thrive and achieve is with a secure and consistent approach at school and at home! 

It is expected that each week your child should:

  • Read at home at least 4 times a week – please remember to sign your child’s reading diary and ensure that the reading book and diary are brought back into school. We love to give out Dojos and reward children who read!
  • Times Tables practice on TTRS (see useful links)– children will be offered challenges on TTRS – can they beat their teachers’ scores and help their class to win battles against other classes?
  • Spelling practice, with a test in school on a Monday. There will also be assignments set on Spelling Shed (see useful links)
  • Creative homework will be sent out half termly it is linked to our topic- these are lovely activities which you can all get involved with at home and create some wonderful things as a family!
  • Maths or reading homework will be set on a Tuesday and due the following Monday with rewards and Dojos for those children that complete it.



All children have been given their log on information; this can be found in their reading diary. Please keep this safe. Children will earn Dojo points for completion of homework. I understand some may not have access to digital devices or internet at home, please let me know if this is an issue for your family and I will support you in resolving this!



Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday. We will be asking children to take their P.E. kits home on a Friday so that they can be washed and brought back into school the following Monday.


Class Dojo:

We do update class Dojo frequently and it is a great way of communicating. Please keep checking for messages on there. If you have any concerns or worries please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I am here to support you all as well as your children!




We are very excited to see what this year holds and even more excited to be working with each and every one of your children!


Mr Mistry, Miss Clarke and Mrs Everton



Useful links

Showbie -

TT Rockstars -

Spelling Shed -
